The COVID-19 pandemic changed the reality of instruction at Good Shepherd Catholic School. Within just a few days of receiving the stay at home order in March, our teachers and administration were able to quickly make the transition to teaching students from home. Each teacher was able to utilize technological tools to ensure each student continued with the curriculum as planned, despite learning from home.
Teachers utilized tools like Zoom, Google Apps for Education, Google Classroom, Applied Digital Learning, Flip-Grid, Discovery Education, EdPuzzle and more as ways to maintain face-to-face contact with students, easily allow students to collaborate and work on projects, assign work and use it as learning resources. Despite staying at home, students from all grades finished the unprecedented year strong. Assignments were completed and shared with classmates virtually. Some students were even able to virtually go on field trips that were unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19. Our Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers primarily took to Zoom to maintain contact with our youngest students at Good Shepherd Catholic School.
Pre-K teachers Mrs. Kim Franzone and Mrs. Barbara Myers videotaped their lessons and sent them to students so they could continue to learn at home. Both used Zoom so each student could see their teachers and classmates (and each student loved the opportunity to see their friends and teachers!). Each parent was offered the opportunity to read their child’s favorite book on Zoom. In doing so, each student was able to hear a story they may not have heard yet. At the end of the year, Mrs. Franzone and Mrs. Myers delivered each student an end of the year surprise, and paid each a short, socially-distanced visit. Ms. Meg MacClain, our Kindergarten teacher, used Zoom three times a week to meet with her students. Each student shared something fun they did that day or that week. Ms. MacClain read a story at the end of each Zoom meeting, which mirrored their daily in-classroom life. She also provided each student with various online resources that would help them learn while at home with their parents. Adjusting to the COVID-19 way of school life certainly took getting used to for both teachers and students, but the continued education and routine of learning for young minds makes it just a little easier. |
January 2025
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Ardsley, Pennsylvania 19038 215-886-4782 (Main Office) 215-884-1591 (Business Office) 215-887-9241 (Business Office Fax) 215-886-0126 (Advancement Office) Email: [email protected] |