We are asking parents and guardians to take a moment to please contact your PA senator to cosponsor Andy Dinniman’s proposed bill to ensure there is a nurse in every non-public school.
It is important to note that this would not bring any additional financial burdens on the school as the CARES Act calls for funding for nursing within schools. The CARES Act provides funding for nursing services to schools with more than 100 students, private or public. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring each school has a nurse is more important than ever. In order to keep everyone healthy and safe, please take a few moments to contact your senator to make sure each school has the help of a nurse. And remember, to thank a nurse and any other medical professional in your life today and everyday! Now that we are in the swing of things with the school year, we are all looking for socially-distanced activities to help us feel normal and have fun while doing our best to remain safe. We are also rapidly approaching the beginning of Autumn, and all the Fall-friendly and Halloween related events to spice up our free time.
As we all continue to navigate new guidelines with going back to school, whether in person or virtual, heading back to work or working from home (parents and teachers), consider these family-oriented activities to keep you active, creative and festive. Download (or pick up at the main entrance of the Brandywine River Museum of Art) an interactive map of the Delaware Valley’s Revolutionary War historical sports to hike through, bike through or even drive through local spots. Stay active, while learning more about our local history, and the role played in the Revolutionary War. Not only will you receive a history lesson, but the chance to take in the beautiful landscapes is unmatched. Visit Peddler’s Village and construct your own life-size scarecrow! Reservations are encouraged for this workshop each Saturday through September 26. Walk-ins are welcome, but space is quite limited due to safety and health guidelines. Mount Laurel’s Rancocas Woods and Shops will also host a scarecrow making festival Saturday September 19. You can pick up supplies or stay to make it in person! Visit Diggerland USA, a theme park dedicated to rides and activities related to construction sites and heavy equipment, through November on Saturdays and Sundays. Rides included mini excavators and dump trucks to let kids dig for treasure. While the warm weather lasts, there is also a water park. Diggerland’s Fall Festival begins September 26, and features corn mazes, hayrides, bonfires, pumpkin launching and more! Reservations are required and can be made here. Remember to wear your mask and adhere to social distance guidelines when you head out to partake in any Fall fun in the next few months! Families at 23 suburban elementary Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia have received unexpected tuition assistance thanks to a grant awarded by the Ambassador’s Fund for Catholic Education. As schools begin to reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we know these families are beyond grateful to know their children continue to receive the best quality education.
The grants to families range from $500 to $2,500. They were offered in two groups. The first group of families among 12 schools received grants based on coronavirus-caused illness, loss of employment, or loss of business. The second group of families among 11 schools are associated with parishes participating in the Catholic Leadership Institute’s Next Generation Parish. At this time, half of each grant is applied to the student’s fall tuition. Once families can reevaluate their financial circumstances, the remaining assistance will be allotted as needed. The Archdiocese has many resources available for families still looking for tuition assistance. Please check out what is available here for further information about financial aid, grants and scholarships. Welcome back, Good Shepherd students and families! We know this school year is unlike any other we have experienced. But together and with faith we can overcome anything! We want this year to feel as normal as possible, while also ensuring the safety and healthy wellbeing of each student and school staff member.
Here are a few reminders to keep in mind as we return to the classroom each day:
We ask that if your child shows any possible symptoms, to please keep them home for 14 days and turn to virtual learning for that time frame. If you don’t feel comfortable sending your child back just yet, again, you may choose the virtual option. However, we expect everyone dressed in uniform and ready to go at the same time each day whether they are in the building or at home. We look forward to what this year has to offer and hope you do too! Stay well! The 2020-2021 school year is upon us. Now that it is September, we know you are figuring out how to balance your child’s schedule as they return physically to Good Shepherd Catholic School for in-person learning. As the new school year begins, we know finding fun, family activities that are COVID-friendly is a never ending task. With the new school year, you and your children will need these activities as a reprieve to relax and make new memories in a new way. Summer is not quite over despite school starting, so here are various ways you can still spend quality time with the family between work and school. Not only are these activities fun, they offer an educational element.
Check out some new lizards and other animals new to Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ. Reservations are required for a personal meet and greet with an Australian bearded dragon, lesser Madagascar hedgehog, large hairy armadillo, panther chameleon, sand boa and a prehensile-tail porcupine. On the Adventure Academy app, an educational gaming app, WordPlay with Kwame Alexander premieres Tuesday September 1. This program features live action and animation and teaches viewers about grammar and writing, with the help of various guests. The Mann Center features The Philly Drive-In through September 25. Check out a list of family-friendly films to see here. On Fridays and Saturdays through September 20, visit the Jurassic Quest drive thru. This is perfect for any dinosaur lover out there. Learn more about different dinosaurs and when they lived all from the safety of your own car. We are so happy to have our students back in the building! Together, we can make the new COVID-normal work for each student, and ensure they have fun and learn outside the classroom as well! |
January 2025
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