On Thursday evening, 12 students in the 7th and 8th grades were inducted into our
National Junior Honor Society. They have met the scholarship requirement, but also made a commitment to service, leadership, and character. Congratulations to our members and their families! National Junior Honor Society 2018 Returning 8th graders 1. Jacob Carlson 2. Amenta Giles 3. Rori Griffith 4. Bria Mahoney 5. Christine Naessens 6. Meghan Nowaczyk 7. Brendan Olimpo 8. Shannon Zehren New 8th graders 1. John Coonahan 2. Sienna Kerwood 3. Nicholas Nguyen New 7th graders 1. Andrew Abraham 2. Margaret Cardamone 3. Katherine Dougherty 4. Olivia Dougherty 5. Kennedy Grasso 6. Camryn Licolli 7. Grace Lyons 8. Madison McGurk 9. Rose Sweeney Angels are messengers of God, and God assigns each one of us a guardian angel to guide us on our spiritual journey. Sister Maryanne has taught our students a song to remind us that we are surrounded by their watchful care. Beside each of us, stands an angel as protector and shepherd... Fort Washington Fire Company #1 Firefighters, Tom McDonald and Kevin Slider, spent the morning with Good Shepherd students yesterday to observe National Fire Prevention Week. We also had the pleasure of visiting with Harrison McDonald, Good Shepherd '18 Alum.They met with students in Kindergarten through Fifth grades to talk about fire safety and fire prevention. The fire company also presented our winners with trophies and medals from their coloring contest. All winning entries were displayed at their Fire Expo, held in the Upper Dublin Township Building. Congratulations to all of our participants!
A big thank you to Fort Washington Fire Company #1 for all of your service! Well done, to the winners of the Fort Washington Fire Company #1 Coloring Contest! Brynn Declan Jillian Caitlin Gianna Evan Macy Kyla Celine Bradyn Conor Nicholas Reina Jimmy Emma It’s Showtime! This is the first NON-JR show we will be producing at GSC, so you are truly in for a special treat! Our fall production of GODSPELL will be held: Friday, November 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM Saturday, November 3, 2018 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM As of now, there will be only seventy five (75) seats per show unless we know before October 21st. Tickets will cost $10 each. Please e-mail Mr. Urmson at [email protected] to reserve tickets or ask any questions. All money must be in by 10/21/18 to save those seats! CASH or CHECK made out to Good Shepherd. At today's First Friday Liturgy, Sister Helen distributed the Student of the Month awards. One student is chosen from every class to receive the Student of the Month Award. Students are chosen by their teacher to be recognized for their daily actions that show they are making a difference in the lives of others.
Congratulations to our October Student of the Month Winners! Grade 1 -Ethan Grade 2 - Maribel Grade 3 - Liam Grade 4 - Maggie Grade 5 - Nathan Grade 6 - Louidine Grade 7 - Lily Grade 8 - Rori Good Shepherd is excited to announce that our Home and School Board and our Board of Limited Jurisdiction recently gifted 16 desktop computers, along with Microsoft Office and other accessories to complete updated workstations for our teachers and classrooms. The new desktop computers have replaced computers that were purchased 10 years ago, since the inception of Good Shepherd Catholic School. They will be used with our SMART Boards and other instructional materials.
The faculty and staff would like to extend our many thanks to our two school boards for this technology gift for our school. We appreciate the assistance of our community to improve and support our classrooms! We also appreciate the work of Steve Pagano from the Archdiocese and Mrs. Mullen, our Technology teacher, who have spent a lot of time getting the computers ready for the classrooms and offices. This was a generous and needed gift. Technology has a tendency to quickly become out of date, and this is a large financial burden for our school to keep up with. This donation will help us stay updated and it is a relief to our replacement cycle, which will allow us to focus on our next Technology and STEM projects!
January 2025
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