Dear Friends and Family of GSC,
Good Shepherd Catholic School is grateful for the generous donors who made our #GivingTuesday campaign a success! With the assistance of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and Board members, we raised $5,115 in the 24-hour online giving event. Gifts of all sizes came together to surpass our goal of $1,000 to strengthen GSC’s mission. Please remember you can donate at any time by visiting Our Giving Tuesday campaign was a great start towards achieving our 2018-2019 Annual Fund goal of $50,000! Thank you for always supporting GSC! With the help of the 8th grade, Student Council and their Crazy Sock Day fundraiser, GSC raised close to $300 for a family in need with the Advent Angel Family Project.
On Friday, PreK3 and their 4th grade buddies spent time together organizing and boxing all of GSC's food donations for the food pantry. A huge thank you to everyone who donated to GSC's Thanksgiving Food Drive!
Please join the GSC community in celebrating the accomplishments of our students: Brendan (honor band flute), Nathan (festival band trombone), Meghan (honor band flute), Sienna (honor band clarinet and jazz band alto saxophone) and Rori (honor band French horn). These talented young people have the distinguished honor of being selected to perform and represent our school in the Archdiocesan Honor Band. Mr. Urmson, a very big thank you for your leadership, dedication and talent as their director. Without you, this would not have been possible.
Way to make Good Shepherd Catholic School proud! GSC certainly spread the warmth with our "Kevin's Koats" coat drive. Thank you to all who participated and benefited the Kevin from Heaven Foundation! Thank you to our Student Council and National Junior Honor Society for sponsoring.
"Angels in Motion" create blessing bags to help those who are in need. On Friday, our students in Grades Kindergarten and 1st worked with their buddies in grades 7 and 8 to put together bags of socks for those who might need them. We know that brand new socks are soft and comfy, so we hope these feel good! |
January 2025
835 North Hills Avenue
Ardsley, Pennsylvania 19038 215-886-4782 (Main Office) 215-884-1591 (Business Office) 215-887-9241 (Business Office Fax) 215-886-0126 (Advancement Office) Email: [email protected] |